VMware 设置 Fedora 33 Gnome 桌面 1080p 分辨率


Fedora 33 最近两天刚发布,在 VMware 下安装想体验一下 Workstation 版本的 Gnome 桌面

结果发现 Gnome 桌面设置里的分辨率没有 1920x1080



搜了一下发现是 open-vm-tools 的 bug 问题:

$ rpm -qf /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf.example

Bug 1890815 - Wayland session as vmware 16 guest does not resize or maximise screen

The issue is that libresolutionKMS.so is NOT loaded into the Wayland session on Fedora 33 (tested w/ VMWare Workstation 16). It works as expected in Ubuntu 20.10 with either Wayland or Xorg.

cp /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf.example /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf
nano /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf

Remove the # from this block:


# Default is true if tools finds an xf86-video-vmware driver with
# version >= 13.2.0. If you don't have X installed, set this to true manually.
# This only affects tools for Linux.

systemctl restart vmtoolsd.service


修改 /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf 配置文件后

cp -v /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf.example /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf
sed -i '/^\[resolutionKMS/a enable=true' /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf
systemctl restart vmtoolsd

重启 vmtoolsd 服务,虚拟机的分辨率立马自动适配窗口了